Monday, September 10, 2007

Learning English in Primary School

Learning English, in the past , is not funny.
I was not keen on learning English when I was young. I remember that there were two things we needed to do in English lessons: sit still and keep quiet. Everyday, the English teacher came to our class. After greetings, she turned on her miscrophone and started our lessons with these words:
"Take out your English book and turn to page..."
Then a boring lesson began. We did the exercises in the English books, checked the answers of the exercises and memorized lots of vocabularies. All of these became a routine job. The most exciting thing in English lessons should be watching ETV although we did not know much about the content of the episodes. It was better than just looking at the books only.
Time is changing. Teaching methods is changing too. More interesting ways of learning English are introduced in lessons. Learning English is more funny now.


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